The Definition of Vocabulary and The Way of Teaching Vocabulary Integrative - Besides language skills, such as Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Skills, there is another point in Language. It is called Language Component. They are Vocabulary, Grammar and pronunciation. At this time, we only share about Vocabulary.
1. What is Vocabulary?
Dedi Suryana (1990) states that vocabulary is one of language components. It supports the teaching and learning of the four language skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing.
As the language component, vocabulary must be taught in a proper way. In his book, Dedi Suryana states that; vocabulary divided in to:
1. What is Vocabulary?
Dedi Suryana (1990) states that vocabulary is one of language components. It supports the teaching and learning of the four language skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing.
As the language component, vocabulary must be taught in a proper way. In his book, Dedi Suryana states that; vocabulary divided in to:
- Vocabulary Skill involved deducing meaning from the context, Use of Dictionary, word formation coining, and ignoring unfamiliar words.
- Vocabulary activities, involved word guessing, word association, crossword puzzle, cline, word-classification, and rid dies.
2. The ways of teaching Vocabulary
Here are some notes on the teaching of vocabulary:
A.Pre-teaching (relate to the text)
-The word cannot be deduced from the text
B.Stand Alone
-select new vocabulary items from the previous text
-add some more new words
-give explanation using the technique we have
-followed by practice and use
3. How Teach Vocabulary integrative
In Training Plan for LKI and LKGI, Dedi Suryana (1997:1) explores that teaching vocabulary integrative, as follows:
1) Brainstorming
2) Discussion
3) Explanation/Conclusion
4) Analyzing
5) Designing
4. Indirect vocabulary learning-followed by practice and use
3.How The Children Vocabulary integrative
-add some more new words
-give explanation using the technique we have
-followed by practice and use
3. How Teach Vocabulary integrative
In Training Plan for LKI and LKGI, Dedi Suryana (1997:1) explores that teaching vocabulary integrative, as follows:
1) Brainstorming
2) Discussion
3) Explanation/Conclusion
4) Analyzing
5) Designing
4. Indirect vocabulary learning-followed by practice and use
3.How The Children Vocabulary integrative
Children learn word meanings indirectly in three ways:
1.They engage daily in oral language
2.They listen to adults read to them
3.They read extensively on their own.
Children learn many new words by reading extensively on their own. The more children read on their own, the more words they encounter and the more word meanings they learn. The Definition of Vocabulary and The Way of Teaching Vocabulary Integrative With Peacock
1.They engage daily in oral language
2.They listen to adults read to them
3.They read extensively on their own.
Children learn many new words by reading extensively on their own. The more children read on their own, the more words they encounter and the more word meanings they learn. The Definition of Vocabulary and The Way of Teaching Vocabulary Integrative With Peacock