Monday, April 29, 2013

Cooperative Learning Method According to Some Experts | Sunal, Hans, Slavin, Anita Lie, Erman Suherman, Gömleksiz, Kauchak and Eggen

Cooperative Learning Method According to Some Experts >>> I think when we say Cooperative Learning, it's a familiar words for teachers in term. Now days, Cooperative Learning become a greater method used in teaching learning processes in order to gain the goals. There are a number of technique can be used in cooperative learning such as STAD and Jigsaw.

While today, our focus is just about the definition of Cooperative Learning based on the quotation of some experts of education. Let's see theirs below:

According Sunal and Hans (2002) “Cooperative Learning As a learner-centered method, cooperative learning is a teaching method by which learners study by helping one another in small groups in their learning process in order to achieve a common objective”. According Slavin (1988) Cooperative learning as a concept consists of several instructional methods in which learners study a language in small groups of 4-6, and group performance is rewarded in several different ways.

According to Anita Lie (2003:28) Cooperation is a necessity very important for survival. Without cooperation, there will be No individual, family, organization or school. According Erman Suherman (2003:260) include cooperative learning small groups of students working as a team to complete problem, complete a task or do something to achieve other shared goals. 

According to Agus Suprijono (2009:57) group is not merely a group of people. Set is called the when there is interaction, whose objective, structured, groups. Interaction are mutually influence one individual with another individual.

According to Gömleksiz (1993) Cooperative learning is an in-class learning approach which is used to help learners develop a positive image both for themselves and their peers, and to improve problem solving and critical thinking skills in order to encourage learners in terms of social skills based on cooperation .

According to Kauchak and Eggen (1998) "Cooperative learning is a learning strategy that involves students to work collaboratively in achieve the goal. "  While Slavin (1994) argues that "In cooperative learning students working with small groups to help each other to learn the material. "Still discusses cooperative learning, described by some experts tries revealed that cooperative learning also called the working group.

According to Etin Solahetin (2008)Cooperative learning implies as an attitude or behavior in work or help in co-operation between the members of the regular structure of the group, which consists of two or more people in which the work is strongly influenced by the success of each member of the group. Meanwhile, according to Kokom Komalasari in Bern and Erickson (2010: 62) “Cooperative learning is an instructional strategy that organizes learning by using small learning groups where students do together to achieve learning objectives.

Cooperative learning is a broader concept that includes all types of group work including more forms led by the teacher or directed by the teacher. (Agus suprijono, 2001:54). So cooperative learning is done in groups where teachers remain in the role as a facilitator of learning.

According to Davidson and Warsham (2003), cooperative learning is a teaching and learning in small groups, students learn and work together to come to a group learning experience, individual experience or experience of the group of (Isjoni, 2010: 27)

According Fauziah (2004) The benefit of the cooperative learning method, are:
  • To teach the student to less dependence of the teacher and to giving motivation belief her self.
  • To motivate the students to express their idea and opinion.
  • To help the students to justify and to get study different.
  • To help students get the good result of the study, to improve the sociality, the positive relationship between individualism, to repair time management.
  • To get many educates from cooperative building.
  • The students will get study more, they like school and like the other friends.
  • To increase the students ability to using information.
  • To give more opportunity to the students to make a match question and good answers.
Thanks for reading article about Cooperative Learning Method According to Some Experts | Sunal, Hans, Slavin, Anita Lie, Erman Suherman, Gömleksiz, Kauchak and Eggen.

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