Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kinds Genres of texts: Descriptive, Recount, News Items, Hortatory, Narrative and Procedure Texts

Kinds Genres of texts: Descriptive, Recount, News Items, Hortatory, Narrative and Procedure Texts | English is one of the world language which commonly shred among others. In teaching English at Secondary school (Junior and Senior High School), there are kinds of texts that can be used to improve the students skills. They are Narrative, Procedure, Descriptive, Recount, Hortatory, Expository, News Items and many more.

(As we now that there are four skills in language, Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking besides language component as vocabulary, punctuation and grammar.)

And I then try to find out from several references about the texts. We start from Descriptive Text.

1.    Procedure Text

Sudarwati in Siska (2011) states procedure is a text that is consists of a set of actions which is the official or accepted way of doing something. The purpose of procedure is to help us to do a task or make something. They can be a set of instructions or directions. The text organization consists of goal, materials and steps. Goal mentions the final purpose of doing the instruction. The materials mention the ingredients, utensils, and equipment to do the instructions. Steps mention a set of instructions to achieve the final purpose.

2.    Descriptive Text

Sudarwati in Siska (2011) states that descriptive is a text that tells you what something or someone is like. The purpose of description is to describe a particular person/thing. The text organization is identification and description. Identification mentions the name, occupation, profession and career. Description mentions the physical features, the way he/she dresses and his/her personality. The language features in description text are the use of adjectives and compound adjectives, the use of linking verbs and the use of attributive has and have.

Find out the examples of Descriptive Text and its questions with the answers key here.

3.    Narrative Text

Sudarwati in Siska (2011) states that narrative is a story or a description of a series of events. The purpose of narrative is to amuse or entertain the readers with actual or imaginary experiences in difference ways. Narratives always deal with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem. The text organization consists of orientation, complication and resolution. Orientation mentions who were involved in the story, when and where is the story happened. Complication mentions the problem arises followed by other problems. The resolution mentions the solution of the problem. The language features in narrative text are the use of noun phrases, the use of connectives, the use of adverbial phrases of time and place, the use of simple past tense, the use of action verbs, the use of saying verbs, the use of thinking verbs, felling verbs, and verbs of sense. Fairy tales, fables, myth and tall tales belong to narrative.

4.    News Item Text

Sudarwati in SIska (2011) states that news item is to inform the readers, listeners, or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important. The text organizations of news item are newsworthy, background events and sources. Newsworthy tells the event in a summary form. Background events elaborate what happened, explains what caused the incident. Sources comment by participants, witnesses, authorities, and experts involved in the event. Language features in news item are information on the use of headlines, the use of action verbs, the use of saying verbs, the use of passive sentences, and the use of adverbs in passive sentences.

5.    Recount Text

Sudarwati in Siska (2011) writes that recount is a written text to describe how something happened in the past through a sequence of events. There are two kinds of Recount text. They are personal recount and factual recount. 

The text organization of personal recount is orientation, events, evaluation, and re-orientation (optional). Orientation tell about who were involved in the story, when, and where. Events tell about what happened in a chronological order. Evaluation tells about comments of the writer/speaker about the experience. The last is re-orientation tells about the conclusion of the experience.

Next is factual recount. The text organization of factual recount is orientation and events. Orientation tells about who were involved in the story, when, and where. Events tell what happened in a chronological order.

There are some language features in recount text. They are the use of nouns and pronouns, the use of action verbs, the use of past tense, the use of time conjunction, the use of adverbs and adverbs of phrases, and the last is adjectives.

Find out the examples of Recount Texts with its questions and answers key here.

6. Hortatory texts 

Hortatory Texts are attempts to persuade audiences who have already accepted certain ideas expressed in the text--sharing the same root as the word “exhort.” Both of these texts are focused on imagined audience of Wilderness Outfitters who want to make their services more accessible. (references 2)

Thanks for being reading the article Kinds Genres of texts: Descriptive, Recount, News Items, Hortatory, Narrative and Procedure Texts.


http://www.digiterp.com/site/ndg-hortatory.html (retrieved on Tuesday, April 16, 2013)

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