Sunday, May 26, 2013

Reading Activities: Skimming, Scanning and Reading for Thorough Comprehension Activities

Reading Activities: Skimming, Scanning and Reading for Thorough Comprehension Activities - Since reading is very important in learning foreign or second language, a great effort has been given to develop reading skill such as exploit reading activities to improve reading skill.

Jerry G. Gebhart (2000, 199) in his book describes about three kinds of reading activities especially in teaching English for foreign or second language. They are skimming, scanning and for Thorough Comprehension Activities.

1. Skimming Activity

Skimming activity is a quick reading to find the general idea of a text. Readers skim to gain general impression of a book, story, essay or article and to determine whether or not to read more carefully.

2. Scanning Activity

While skimming is quick reading to find the general idea, scanning is a quick reading to locate specific information. For example we use scanning activity in finding contact in telephone books, a certain word in dictionary, calendar, menus, indexes and et cetera which basically for any source in which we need to locate specific information.

3. Reading for Thorough Comprehension Activity

Unlike skimming and scanning, activities that aim at having students read for thorough comprehension require students to read meticulously. The goal is for the students to understand the total meaning of reading selection. Thanks for dropping here

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